Suitcases as Storage and Sculpture

Bedroom Decorating Ideas Suitcase StorageIn our early decorating days, I spotted three gorgeous sets of vintage leather suitcases at a yard sale and swooned on the spot. After I saw this picture (above) in the new book by the DIY goddesses of Salvage Studio, I wasn’t dreaming of jet-setting with the butter-yellow hatbox and teal steamer trunk; instead I had a vision for my bedroom storage. I loved the texture and shapes that the tower made and the romantic notion of travel it presented. However, in the scheme of small-space solutions, I knew that this Jenga dresser was not the best purchase.

Bedroom Decorating Ideas Suitcase Storage

Months had gone by and I thought that I was over my fantasy of suitcase sculpture. Then I saw this armoire by Marten de Ceulaer, a man with a similar vision but a much more modern and practical application. With this design he has taken the logistical nightmare out of stacking and unstacking the luggage and crafted a one-piece unit with similar lines and handles.

It’s debatable which version is more charming, but if you want to find an old sweater at a moment’s notice, de Ceulaer’s takes the cake.

One Comment

  1. I have to thank my mom for my own tiered suitcase storage. It started when she just happened to see two or three and thought they looked nice on top of my dresser. I know have 8 stacked with 2 more underneath a floor lamp (to give height). They're the first thing people comment about when they come into the apartment. I use them primarily for long term storage (hats/scarves); electronic gadgetry; and as personal memory boxes.

    July 12, 2010

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