About Seeing Design

Seeing Design is a travel-focused design blog, as seen from the perspective of a New York City editor on a 13-year honeymoon around the world.

I always wanted to work in magazines and when I started looking for publishing jobs seven years ago, I didn’t care what kind. Bridal, boating, knitting, beauty—I wasn’t going to be picky. But when I was fortunate enough to get a job in InStyle’s Home department, I soon remembered why I was meant to work in decorating. My mother was a dried floral designer and that meant a childhood of trips to the L.A. flower market, Pacific Design Center, and the Long Beach flea market. Running errands with my mother was a decorating boot camp of sorts. In a strange way, time with her prepared me for my next editorial job at House Beautiful, and training with their talented team got me ready for the three years at PointClickHome.com, the former website of ELLE DECORMetropolitan Home, and Design Daily: my product blog-cum-decorative chronicles of a first-time homeowner.

In this digital age, I decided to switch from magazines to the editorial side of e-commerce and became Managing Editor of Content at One Kings Lane. It’s been amazing to be amongst the first 35 employees in a company that has grown to become an awe-inspiring powerhouse in the shelter world. It’s tough to leave a job that good but in the name of travel, I had to do it.

My husband Mike and my love for travel runs deep. In our five years of dating, we’ve been to nine countries and have constantly thought, where next? So when it came to picking a place for our honeymoon, we knew one exotic beach wasn’t going to cure our case of wanderlust.

So as of January 2012, Mike and I are starting our two-year honeymoon around the globe. It’s crazy, we know–but if not now, when?

The plan is to go to places too far to visit while we have a job and too rugged to do when we’re old. That means neighboring Central America and cushy Europe, we’ll see you at a later date. South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand—here we come!

To chronicle our adventures, Mike and I will be keeping a joint blog called HoneyTrek.com. Travel ideas for sightseeing, hiking, volunteering, and ridiculously good times will abound here. If this sounds up your alley, please subscribe to our newsletter: http://HoneyTrek.com/Subscribe

As for the Seeing Design, you may not have known it but the travel phase has been in the works for a while. When choosing names for this blog almost two years ago, Seeing Design struck me for its global possibilities. The prospect of actually seeing and chronicling design around the world gave it the potential that, when the time was right, I knew I would seize it. So akin to my past coverage of boutique hotels, design shops, architecture, and chic finds around the U.S., it’s about to get a whole lot more interesting abroad.

It is going to be one heck of a journey—one of which we’d love you to you participate in, whether it’s observing, commenting, or offering your suggestions, even requests!

I hope you can join us for the ride,
Anne Collins Howard
Anne Collins


  1. ingrid thieblemont said:

    hy !!
    i’m from the shop “l’atelier by grid” where you came in cusco!
    i ‘ m waiting you article about the shop in your blog !!!

    hasta luego !

    June 8, 2012
  2. yrholkar said:

    Hi Anne!!  I LOVE this blog… and what a spectacular trip you are both on. So so so so many congratulations!  Would love to hear more about it… shoot me an email at yrholkar@gmail:disqus .com if you get time to breathe between one amazing adventure and another!  Wishing you such an amazing journey!

    July 13, 2012

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