The Daily Coffee Grind

Antique-Coffee-grinderMike has always had a thing for antique coffee grinders. The crank mechanics, the wooden body, silver finish—something about them is really charming. I spotted this one in an Antwerp flea market (when I was in Belgium for the Interieur Biennale) and had to get it for him. I gifted it with a bag of beans, as a joke, but since we’ve been out of pre-ground coffee for the past few days, we’ve resorted to using it as our daily grinder.  It just made me laugh this morning to see him in a kitchen full of 21st century gadgets to be using a 1930s hand-crank to make coffee.

I’m sure we’ll re-stock our ground coffee supply this weekend but I’m hoping to make the antique hand-grind a weekend ritual.

One Comment

  1. bob said:

    fuck you

    March 25, 2010

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