Retail Therapy

bedding-ideas-duvetsIt’s time to pack up your winter bedding and pull out your lightweight set—but you hesitate. Last year’s quilt doesn’t look as inviting anymore (especially with those storage-induced wrinkles). You think, before I swaddle myself in this cotton raisin, maybe I’ll just do a bit of virtual window shopping. You stumble upon and see a bright blooming chrysanthemum on a lightweight cotton duvet and immediately forget about that crinkled heap on your floor. The credit card starts to creep out of your wallet and before you know it—you have bedding you don’t need, but find you are so much happier. Retail therapy, its a beautiful thing.

Ashley Citron Duvet, $275 (that’s not too bad, right?)

One Comment

  1. themarionhousebook said:

    Not bad at all. I once tallied up the number of days I imagined I would spend under a set of sheets to rationalize the cost! It worked out to less than a dollar a day. Well worth the money!

    April 19, 2010

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