Fall Trends

An ottoman by Global Views demonstrates the budding rose trend

The great furniture fairs of the world (iSaloni in Milan, Maison & Objet in Paris, High Point in North Carolina) may illuminate the design trend forecast for the year to come, but the New York International Gift Fair reveals if the predictions came true. The savviest of the 3,000 exhibitors at the Fair followed the important shows too and have manufactured what they believe are the trendiest design concepts. No longer prototypes, this is the decor that will be shipping to your local boutique within the next two months.

The six-day show wrapped up yesterday; here are some of the trends that made it to market:

Bursting Roses
As seen at Maison & Objet the rose theme is in full bloom.

Sofa by Hable Construction
Bowl by Alessi

Chalet Chic was also a huge running trend at Maison. Furs, knits, and animal motifs malled the Parisian convention center but at the Gift Fair it seemed that only the horns remained.

Decorative Horns by Napa Home and Garden
Lamps by Barbara Cosgrove

Clawed Feet
And as the fashion-forward Met Home observed with their July/August piece on “Zoocentric Design,” classic animal motifs have gone from the traditional claw and ball foot to straight chicken feet. It’s a fine balance of cheeky, chic, and creepy.

Egg holders by Global Views
Claw Candleholders by Vagabond Vintage

We started to see this at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair and now this concept is a whole line for the mainstream design-powerhouse, Umbra.


Blockade Shelf and Table by Umbra

The 2009 previews begin this Fall; we’ll see what makes it to the next NYIGF in January.

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