MoMA Music Orb

moma orb

I miss the sound of my first jewelry box. Though the pink upholstery and the pirouetting Barbie may have been doomed to the yard sale long ago, I find I long to have the music back. This windup from MoMA’s Destination Berlin collection lets you be a kid again—in a totally sophisticated, grown-up kind of way. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is now Mozarts Voi Che Sapete, (click here to listen) and the sound is conducted by the turn of a classic key. Sitting on a bookshelf or desk, the perfectly smooth oak wood sphere looks like sculpture, but take it off its metal ring and its a stress reliever. Your niece is over dolls anyway, so make this her next gift. Shell never have to throw this one away.

Music Orb, $85; by Jrg Adam and Dominik Harborth;

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