Campaign furniture has been steadily sneaking its way back into mainstream design but these new Anthropologie chairs prove it’s modern again. Anthropologie worked with South African furniture makers, Melville and Moon, to recreate the classic foldable, adaptable hardwood Roorkhee chair but then had the local Pretoria textile company, Design Team, upholster it in a punchy pink African cameo pattern for a truly fresh look. This is an example of Anthropologie’s recent efforts to support South African artists and their creative community. Select Anthropologie stores around the U.S. will be carrying handmade products from the country and the gallery at the Rockefeller Plaza store in NYC will be displaying the majority of the South African collection through February 7th.
For Anthropolgies near you visit Anthropologie’s store locator and ask them if they carry the Cameo Campaign Chair and other South African products.
Only four of these Moonlight and Magic light dogs will be arriving to the U.S., likely to be in the LA or New York stores.
But there are plenty of these fun Cabbage Garden vase sets available online now.
Campaign furniture is designed to be folded up, packed, and carried on the march. It has been used by traveling armies since at least the time of Julius Caesar. With the rise and expansion of the British Empire in the eighteenth and early 19th centuries British furniture makers produced for both military and business travelers.