The Wallpaper Hanging

WallpaperPasting.jpgIn designing our new apartment, a lot of elements are still fuzzy but one thing I’ve always known is: Each bedroom will have a wallpapered accent wall. Maybe this is because wallpapering is practically forbidden in the land of renters, but it is most of all an excuse for wild pattern. If placed right, it can be the surprise in the room. I chose two fantastically bold prints but put them on the least visible wall, so you have to round a corner or do a 180 to notice them.

For the master bedroom, I always wanted an oversize leaf print for the headboard wall. Ferm Living’s Leaf paper was the trellis effect I was going for. I painted the other three walls with the blue leaf’s equivalent: Benjamin Moore #HC-143.

Wallpaper-GuestBed.jpgFor the guest bedroom accent wall, the shimmer and pop of Graham and Browns Elinor in Carmine won me over and to balance the rest of the room I picked B. Moore’s Metallic Veil Cream (metallic sounds scary, I know, but this one is subtle and sophisticated).

WallpaperCutting.jpgI had the papers picked out for months but the motivation to hang them didn’t come as quickly. The more I read up on the topic and the more I talked to those who’ve wallpapered, I felt the consensus was: Get help. Even Good Housekeeping: The Complete Household Handbook, a publication known for its consumer empowerment, suggests hiring a professional! Nervous but not discouraged, we bought the supplies, primed the wall, cut the paper to size, then plumbed, pasted, booked, hung, shifted, smoothed, trimmed, and sponged until it was done at one o’ clock in the morning. And that was only one wall.

WallpaperPlumbLine.jpgAlbeit time consuming, the process is not as difficult as everyone made it out to be.  It just takes an incredibly meticulous and patient person–thank you Mike for getting me through this–and a love of pattern.

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